Eight of Wands
Words describing Eight of Wands: movement, progress, swift action, travel, communication, forward momentum, acceleration, energy.
How to interpret Eight of Wands in tarot

Ten of Cups (reversed)

Five of Swords (upright)

Eight of Wands (upright)

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)
The Eight of Wands is the eighth card in the Tarot’s Minor Arcana within the Wands suit and symbolizes rapid movement, progress and communication. The card’s image shows eight wands flying through the air, indicating that they are on their way to their destination. It represents that when we have focus and determination we can achieve our goals quickly and efficiently, as well as that effective communication is the key to success.
Upright Meaning
When the Eight of Wands appears upright in a Tarot reading, it signifies a time of rapid movement, progress and communication. The card urges you to be focused and determined in your efforts, as well as to use effective communication to achieve your goals. It is a time to act quickly and to seize opportunities that can lead to success and fulfillment of your dreams.
Reversed Meaning
If the Eight of Wands is reversed in a reading, it can signify that you are feeling overwhelmed by rapid change or that you are having difficulty communicating effectively. It can also mean that you are experiencing delays or obstacles on the way to your goals. The card urges you to find ways to improve your communication and to be more decisive in your efforts, as well as to be open to adapting to changes and overcoming obstacles on your path.
Example Interpretation
If the Eight of Wands appears in a reading alongside the Three of Cups and the Nine of Wands, it could be interpreted as that through rapid movement and effective communication (Eight of Wands) you will experience joy and celebration with friends and family (Three of Cups). This will give you strength and endurance (Nine of Wands) to face future challenges and to continue striving towards your dreams and goals.
Psychological Interpretation
Archetypal Meanings
The Eight of Wands is a card that represents swift movement, action, and progress. It is associated with the element of fire, which symbolizes passion, energy, and drive. In tarot, the wands suit represents the realm of creativity, ambition, and desire. Therefore, the Eight of Wands can be seen as an archetype for the pursuit of one’s goals and ambitions with determination and intensity.
Behavioral Patterns
When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the individual is currently experiencing a surge of energy and motivation. They may be taking action towards their goals and making significant progress. They are likely to be focused and driven, with a clear vision of what they want to achieve.
On the other hand, the Eight of Wands can also symbolize a need for speed and haste. The individual may be feeling overwhelmed and under pressure to achieve their goals, leading to impulsive and reckless behavior. They may also be prone to burnout and exhaustion if they do not pace themselves.
Integration and Shadow Work
To work with the energies of the Eight of Wands, it is essential to find balance and moderation in one’s actions. While it is important to have drive and ambition, it is also crucial to take breaks and rest when needed. The individual may also need to reflect on their goals and ensure that they align with their true desires and values, rather than being driven by external pressures or expectations.
Additionally, the Eight of Wands can also symbolize the need to let go of control and allow things to unfold naturally. The individual may need to trust in the timing of the universe and have faith that their efforts will lead to success in due time. Shadow work with this card may involve addressing any tendencies towards impatience, impulsivity, or perfectionism that may hinder their progress.