Five of Cups
Words describing Five of Cups: Disappointment, loss, regret, sorrow, mourning, grief, sadness, disappointment, emotional pain, despair, defeat, setback, failure, missed opportunity.
How to interpret Five of Cups in tarot

The Empress (upright)

Five of Cups (reversed)

Judgment (reversed)

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)
The Five of Cups represents loss, sorrow, and disappointment. The card shows a person staring down at three spilled cups in front of them, while two whole cups stand behind them. The person is so caught up in their grief over the spilled cups that they are not noticing the two remaining cups.
Upright Meaning
When the Five of Cups is upright, it symbolizes a period of sorrow and disappointment, usually connected to the loss of something valuable such as a relationship, dream or opportunity. The card encourages you to accept your feelings and work through your grief, but also to be aware that not all is lost. There are still positive aspects and possibilities in your life that you can focus on and build upon.
Reversed Meaning
When the Five of Cups is reversed, it may indicate that you are beginning to heal from your sorrow and disappointment and that you are on the way to accepting the loss and moving on. It may also suggest that you are too focused on the negative and need to shift your perspective to see the positive possibilities and support that surrounds you.
Example Interpretation
If the Five of Cups appears in a reading where the question is whether you should try to rekindle a past relationship, the card can indicate that it is important first to accept and work through the loss and grief from the ended relationship. The card can also encourage you to focus on the positive aspects of your life and on the possibilities and relationships that still remain. If the card is surrounded by positive cards, it may suggest that you are on the right path towards healing and finding new opportunities. If the card is surrounded by negative cards, it may indicate that you need to actively work on shifting your perspective and letting go of the past.
Psychological Interpretation
Archetypal Meanings
The Five of Cups is a powerful archetype that represents the universal experience of disappointment and loss. This card reflects the human tendency to focus on what is missing or lost rather than acknowledging what is still present. It is a reminder that loss is a natural part of life and that it is important to find a way to move forward, even in the face of sadness and regret.
Behavioral Patterns
When this card appears in a reading, it can indicate a state of grief, sadness, or disappointment. The individual may be fixated on past failures or losses, unable to see the positive aspects of their current situation. They may also be stuck in a cycle of self-blame or regret, unable to let go of past mistakes or missed opportunities.
This card can also represent a tendency to resist change or cling to the familiar, even if it is not serving their highest good. The individual may be holding onto past relationships, jobs, or beliefs, even if they are no longer fulfilling or beneficial.
Integration and Shadow Work
To work with the energies of the Five of Cups, it is important to acknowledge and validate feelings of loss and disappointment. This card reminds us that it is okay to grieve and that it is a necessary part of the healing process. However, it is also important to find a balance and not get lost in the shadow aspects of this card.
Integrating the lessons of the Five of Cups involves shifting focus from what is lost to what remains. This can be achieved through gratitude and mindfulness practices. It is also important to release any self-blame or regret and instead, focus on learning from past experiences and using them to move forward.
Shadow work with this card can involve examining any patterns of resistance to change or fear of the unknown. It may also involve exploring the root causes of the individual’s fixation on past losses and finding ways to release these attachments.
The Five of Cups reminds us that while loss and disappointment are inevitable, it is how we respond to them that shapes our reality. By acknowledging and integrating the lessons of this card, we can find the strength to move forward and create a more fulfilling future.
More Tarot Cards In "Minor Arcana"
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- Eight of Cups
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- Five of Swords
- Five of Wands
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- Four of Wands
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- King of Wands
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- Knight of Wands
- Nine of Cups
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- Page of Wands
- Queen of Cups
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- Queen of Wands
- Seven of Cups
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- Six of Cups
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- Six of Wands
- Ten of Cups
- Ten of Pentacles
- Ten of Swords
- Ten of Wands
- Three of Cups
- Three of Pentacles
- Three of Swords
- Three of Wands
- Two of Cups
- Two of Pentacles
- Two of Swords
- Two of Wands