King of Cups

Words describing King of Cups: Emotional, compassionate, intuitive, wise, balanced, diplomatic, mature, empathetic, nurturing, calm.

How to interpret King of Cups in tarot


Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles (upright)


King of Cups

King of Cups (reversed)


The Hermit

The Hermit (upright)

King of Cups

Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

The King of Cups represents an emotionally balanced and wise individual who is in touch with their feelings and can use them in a constructive way. The card shows a King sitting on his throne by the sea, holding a cup in one hand and a scepter in the other. The sea symbolizes feelings, and the King is masterful at navigating these feelings and using them to help others.

Upright Meaning

When the King of Cups is right-side up, it indicates that you are in a period of emotional stability and have a deep understanding of your feelings and those of others. You are someone who is both empathetic and decisive, and you are capable of providing guidance and support to those who need it. The card encourages you to trust your intuition and use your emotional intelligence to make wise decisions.

Reversed Meaning

When the King of Cups is reversed, it may mean that you are emotionally detached, manipulative or not in touch with your feelings. It may also suggest that you have difficulty controlling your emotions or that you are allowing them to dictate your actions in a destructive way. Reversed, the card may warn that you are not listening to your intuition or ignoring other’s feelings and needs.

Example Interpretation

If the King of Cups appears in a reading about your personal life, it may mean that you are in a period of emotional maturity and balance. You are capable of offering support and guidance to those around you and using your emotional intelligence to make wise decisions. If you have been feeling emotionally detached or manipulative lately, the card may be urging you to reflect on your behavior and work on improving your emotional intelligence and empathy.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The King of Cups is a complex archetype that represents mastery over emotions, intuition, and relationships. He is often depicted as a mature, calm and compassionate ruler, sitting on his throne by the sea. He holds a cup in one hand, symbolizing his emotional depth and mastery, and a scepter in the other, representing his authority and power.

This card embodies the archetype of the wise and empathetic leader, who is in touch with his feelings and is able to maintain balance and harmony in his kingdom. He is also associated with the element of water, representing the unconscious mind and the realm of emotions.

Behavioral Patterns

The King of Cups represents someone who is emotionally mature and in control of their feelings. They are able to approach situations with calmness and understanding, rather than reacting impulsively. They are also known for their strong intuition and the ability to empathize with others.

On the negative side, this card can indicate someone who is overly emotional and prone to mood swings. They may also struggle with setting boundaries, as they tend to be very giving and compassionate towards others, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

Integration and Shadow Work

Working with the energies of the King of Cups can be beneficial for those who struggle with emotional regulation and empathy. It is important to cultivate a balance between the rational mind and the emotional self, and this card can help with that integration.

Shadow work with this card may involve addressing any patterns of codependency or people-pleasing behavior. It may also involve learning to set healthy boundaries and not allowing emotions to rule over rational decision-making.

Overall, the King of Cups reminds us to embrace our emotions, but also to approach them with wisdom and balance. By integrating the energies of this archetype, we can become more compassionate and empathetic leaders in our own lives and within our communities.

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