Nine of Swords

Words describing Nine of Swords: Worry, anxiety, fear, nightmares, sleepless nights, mental torment, despair, distress, guilt.

How to interpret Nine of Swords in tarot


Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords (reversed)


Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles (reversed)


The High Priestess

The High Priestess (upright)

Nine of Swords

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

The Nine of Swords represents anxiety, distress and inner turmoil. The card shows a person sitting up in their bed, with their head in their hands, as if they have awoken from a nightmare. Nine swords hang on the wall behind them, symbolizing fears and worries weighing down the person.

Upright Meaning

When the Nine of Swords is upright, it indicates that you may be feeling a strong sense of anxiety or distress over a certain situation in your life. The card shows that your worries can be overwhelming and that you may find it difficult to find relief from these feelings. It is important to recognize that much of this anxiety can be self-induced and that it is necessary to confront and address your fears in order to overcome them.

Reversed Meaning

When the Nine of Swords is reversed, it can mean that you are beginning to work through your anxiety and fear and finding ways to manage them more effectively. You may have realized that a large part of your anxiety is self-induced and that you can better control your thoughts and emotions. Reversed, the card can also warn that you may be avoiding confronting your fears, which will only worsen your distress in the long run.

Example Reading Interpretation

If the Nine of Swords appears in a reading about your relationships, it could signify that you are experiencing a great deal of anxiety and distress around a particular relationship. It could be a reminder that much of this anxiety can be self-induced and that it is important to confront and work through your fears in order to improve the situation. The card can also encourage you to seek support from friends, family or a therapist to help you manage your anxiety and worry surrounding this relationship.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Nine of Swords is a card that is often associated with fear, anxiety, and worry. It is represented by a figure sitting up in bed, with their head in their hands, surrounded by nine swords. This image evokes a sense of mental distress and inner turmoil.

On an archetypal level, the Nine of Swords can be seen as representing the universal human experience of facing our fears and anxieties. It is a reminder that we all have moments where we feel overwhelmed by our thoughts and worries, and that this is a natural part of the human condition.

Behavioral Patterns

When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the querent is struggling with feelings of fear, anxiety, or worry. They may be experiencing sleepless nights, racing thoughts, and a constant sense of unease. The Nine of Swords can also represent self-doubt and negative self-talk, which can lead to destructive behaviors and patterns.

Alternatively, this card may also suggest that the querent is projecting their fears onto others, causing conflict and tension in their relationships. They may also be avoiding facing their fears and instead trying to distract themselves with busyness or addictive behaviors.

Integration and Shadow Work

Psychologically, the Nine of Swords invites us to confront and work through our fears and anxieties. It encourages us to look within and examine the root causes of our worries. This may involve shadow work, where we explore and integrate the aspects of ourselves that we have been avoiding or repressing.

By acknowledging and facing our fears, we can begin to release their hold on us and find inner peace. It may also be helpful to practice mindfulness and self-compassion, as well as seeking support from therapy or other healing modalities.

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