Nine of Wands
Words describing Nine of Wands: struggle, perseverance, resilience, determination, defensiveness.
How to interpret Nine of Wands in tarot

Six of Cups (reversed)

Queen of Pentacles (reversed)

Nine of Wands (upright)

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)
The Nine of Wands is the ninth card in the Tarot’s Minor Arcana within the Wands suit and symbolizes endurance, determination and vigilance. The card’s image shows a person holding a wand and standing in front of eight other wands, indicating that they are ready to defend themselves and their territory. It represents that sometimes we must be vigilant and persistent in our efforts to protect what we have worked hard to achieve.
Upright Meaning
When the Nine of Wands appears upright in a Tarot reading, it signifies a time of endurance, determination and vigilance. The card urges you to be prepared to defend what you have worked for and to hold firm to your convictions even when faced with opposition or challenges. It is a time for being strong and fighting for what you believe in, as well as being watchful and aware of any threats or dangers that may come your way.
Reversed Meaning
If the Nine of Wands is reversed in a reading, it can indicate that you are feeling tired and exhausted from ongoing pressures or that you are struggling to stand up against opposition or challenges. It can also mean that you are overly protective or paranoid. The card urges you to find balance between being vigilant and trusting in your abilities, as well as taking care of yourself and your own wellbeing so that you have strength to face any challenges or threats.
Example Reading
If the Nine of Wands appears in a reading alongside the Queen of Pentacles and Three of Swords, it can be interpreted as that through endurance and determination (Nine of Wands) you will achieve material security and wellbeing (Queen of Pentacles). But it can also mean that you will encounter some heartbreaking or painful experiences (Three of Swords) along the way. The card urges you to be vigilant and persistent, while also taking care of your emotional wellbeing and processing any emotions that may arise.
Psychological Interpretation
Archetypal Meanings
The Nine of Wands is a card that represents resilience, determination, and perseverance in the face of challenges and obstacles. It is associated with the archetype of the wounded warrior, who has been through battles and struggles but continues to stand strong and defend their territory.
Behavioral Patterns
When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the individual is currently facing a difficult situation or is feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities. They may be feeling exhausted and worn down, but they are still determined to push through and protect what is important to them.
The Nine of Wands can also represent a defensive attitude or a need to guard oneself against potential threats. The individual may be on guard and ready to protect themselves from any potential harm, whether physical or emotional.
Integration and Shadow Work
Psychologically, the Nine of Wands suggests the need to acknowledge and confront one’s own wounds and vulnerabilities. It may be a reminder to not let past traumas or challenges define one’s identity, but rather to use them as sources of strength and resilience.
This card also encourages the individual to find healthy ways to cope with stress and pressure, rather than constantly being on guard and defensive. Shadow work may involve exploring any underlying fears or insecurities that may be driving the need for protection and working towards healing and self-acceptance.
In order to integrate the energies of the Nine of Wands, it is important for the individual to find a balance between protecting themselves and being open to vulnerability. They may benefit from learning healthy boundaries and finding ways to recharge and rest when needed, rather than constantly pushing through their struggles alone.