Page of Cups

Words describing Page of Cups: Emotional, intuitive, imaginative, sensitive, dreamy, artistic, romantic, introspective, open-minded, idealistic.

How to interpret Page of Cups in tarot


Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles (upright)


Five of Cups

Five of Cups (upright)


Page of Cups

Page of Cups (upright)

Page of Cups

The Basic Meaning of the Page of Cups (Rider-Waite)

The Page of Cups represents creativity, intuition and emotional openness. The card shows a young person standing by the water and holding a cup with a fish in it. The fish symbolizes deep intuition, creativity and communication with the subconscious. This person is ready to explore their inner landscape and emotions, and is open to new experiences and relationships.

Upright Meaning

When the Page of Cups is upright, it indicates that you are in a period of increased creativity and intuition. You may be more receptive to listening to your feelings and following your heart. It is a time to be open to new ideas and to receive inspiration and guidance from your inner self. This card can also foretell a new emotional experience, such as a new friendship or love relationship.

Reversed Meaning

When the Page of Cups is reversed, it may indicate that you are ignoring your intuition and creativity, or that you are having difficulty expressing your feelings. It could be that you are experiencing emotional instability or that you are confused about your feelings. Reversed, the card can also warn that you are too naive or emotionally vulnerable, which can lead to disappointments or painful experiences.

Example Interpretation

If the Page of Cups appears in a reading about your work life, it may indicate that you have the opportunity to use your creativity and intuition to succeed in your work. It is a time to be open to new ideas and to listen to your feelings when it comes to making decisions. You may also feel more engaged in your work relationships and be more receptive to building strong bonds with your colleagues. It is important to be aware that this period requires that you be honest with yourself and your feelings, and that you do not let fear or insecurity prevent you from realizing your potential.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Page of Cups is a card that represents the archetype of the inner child, innocence, and emotional vulnerability. This archetype embodies the qualities of curiosity, creativity, and sensitivity, as well as a sense of wonder and playfulness. The Page of Cups also symbolizes the beginning of a journey towards emotional growth and self-discovery.

Behavioral Patterns

When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate a person who is in touch with their emotions and is open to new experiences. They may be curious and eager to explore new ideas and perspectives. However, they may also be prone to mood swings and may have difficulty controlling their emotions. They may also struggle with expressing their feelings effectively, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts in their relationships.

Integration and Shadow Work

To work with the energies of the Page of Cups, one must embrace their inner child and allow themselves to be open and vulnerable. This may involve facing past traumas and fears that may be hindering emotional growth. It is also important to learn how to regulate and express emotions in a healthy manner. Shadow work may involve recognizing and addressing any emotional wounds or insecurities that may be holding one back from fully embracing their inner child and experiencing emotional maturity.

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