Six of Wands

Words describing Six of Wands: Victory, success, recognition, achievement, leadership, triumph, praise, glory, honor, public recognition.

How to interpret Six of Wands in tarot


King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles (upright)


Six of Wands

Six of Wands (upright)


Four of Swords

Four of Swords (upright)

Six of Wands

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

The basic meaning of the Six of Wands in the Rider-Waite Tarot deck is victory, success, and recognition. The card depicts a person on horseback holding a staff with a victory wreath, surrounded by a crowd celebrating his triumph. It represents that when we work hard and strive for our goals, we can achieve success and be acknowledged for our efforts.

Upright Meaning

The Six of Wands represents success, victory, and public recognition. This card often signifies a situation where someone has overcome obstacles or challenges and is now enjoying the fruits of their labor. The Six of Wands is associated with achievement, confidence, and the support of others. Key aspects of the upright Six of Wands include:

  1. Success: Accomplishing goals or achieving desired outcomes, often as a result of hard work, determination, or skill.
  2. Victory: Overcoming challenges or obstacles, emerging triumphant and stronger as a result of your experiences.
  3. Recognition: Receiving acknowledgment, praise, or rewards for your accomplishments, which can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  4. Confidence: Feeling proud of your achievements and believing in your own abilities, which can help you face future challenges with greater self-assurance.
  5. Support: Enjoying the support, encouragement, or admiration of others, which can contribute to your overall sense of success and fulfillment.

Reversed Meaning

When the Six of Wands appears reversed, it can signify a lack of recognition, delayed success, or feelings of insecurity. This card often represents a situation where someone’s accomplishments are going unnoticed or their efforts are not being rewarded as expected. The reversed Six of Wands can also indicate self-doubt, arrogance, or setbacks. Key aspects of the reversed Six of Wands include:

  1. Lack of Recognition: Not receiving the acknowledgment, praise, or rewards you feel you deserve for your accomplishments.
  2. Delayed Success: Experiencing setbacks or obstacles that delay the realization of your goals, which can lead to feelings of frustration or disappointment.
  3. Insecurity: Struggling with self-doubt, low self-esteem, or a lack of confidence in your own abilities, which can hinder your progress or future achievements.
  4. Arrogance: Overconfidence or a sense of entitlement, which can alienate others and potentially damage your reputation or relationships.
  5. Unmet Expectations: Feeling dissatisfied or let down by the outcome of a situation, despite having achieved some level of success or recognition.

The Six of Wands, whether upright or reversed, highlights the importance of recognizing and celebrating your achievements while maintaining a balanced perspective and healthy self-confidence. It serves as a reminder to stay humble, appreciate the support of others, and remain resilient in the face of setbacks or challenges.

Example Interpretation

If the Six of Wands appears in a reading alongside the Two of Pentacles and Nine of Cups, it can be interpreted as focusing on victory, success, and recognition (Six of Wands) will lead to finding balance between work and pleasure (Two of Pentacles). This will lead to a period of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment of your desires (Nine of Cups), which will enable you to enjoy your accomplishments and celebrate your successes.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Six of Wands is a card that embodies the archetypal energy of victory and success. It represents achieving recognition and being celebrated for one’s accomplishments. This card is often associated with the archetype of the hero, the one who overcomes challenges and emerges triumphant.

Behavioral Patterns

When the Six of Wands appears in a reading, it can indicate that the individual is experiencing a sense of pride and confidence in their abilities. They may be feeling a sense of accomplishment and recognition from others. This can also manifest in a desire for validation and praise from others. On the flip side, this card can also indicate a fear of failure and a need for constant reassurance and validation.

Integration and Shadow Work

To work with the energies of the Six of Wands, it is important to recognize and embrace one’s own achievements and successes. This card can also represent the need to let go of the fear of failure and learn to trust in one’s abilities. On a deeper level, the Six of Wands may also bring up feelings of inadequacy and a fear of not living up to expectations. Shadow work in this case would involve exploring these fears and insecurities and finding ways to build self-confidence and self-worth from within, rather than seeking validation from others.

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