Interpret Tarot from Home #1: General Reading Without Question

For whom? Individuals looking to use tarot as an interpretive tool from the comfort of their home.

Explanation: This Three Card Tarot interpretation tool provides insights into your past, present, and future circumstances directly from home. It helps you gain a clearer understanding of your current situation and guides you toward potential next steps, without the necessity of posing a specific question.

Interpret your personal tarot reading

Choose Cards:

How to use the tarot reader on this page

Step 1: Choose your cards

  1. Start the interpretation: When you open the page with the tarot tool, you will be presented with three dropdown menus. Each menu is labeled with the positions ”1. Past”, ”2. Present”, and ”3. Future”.
  2. Select a card for each position: Click on each dropdown menu to see a list of available tarot cards. Choose a card for each time aspect. The cards are arranged alphabetically and include both upright and reversed positions.

Step 2: Confirm your choice and view your cards

  1. Confirm your choice: Once you have selected a card for each position, an image of the selected card will appear under each dropdown menu. If you have chosen a card in the ”Reversed” position, the image of the card will be displayed upside down.
  2. Change a selection: If you want to change a selected card, simply choose another card from the dropdown menu, and the image will update automatically.

Step 3: Interpret your cards

  1. Click the interpretation button: When you are satisfied with your choices, click the ”Interpret” button located below the card selections. This initiates the process of interpreting the selected cards.
  2. View your interpretation: After a short loading period, the interpretation of your cards will be displayed on the screen. The interpretation results include a detailed description of the meaning of each card in relation to its position (past, present, future).

Step 4: Additional features

  1. Restart: If you want to start the process over and choose new cards, click the ”Restart” button. This reloads the tool and allows you to make new selections.
  2. Print your interpretation: If you wish to have a physical copy of your tarot reading, use the ”Print” button to print the results page.


  • Think before you choose: Although no specific question is required, it can be helpful to consider your current life or a situation you are experiencing while selecting your cards.
  • Do not repeat the same card: The system does not allow the same card to be chosen for multiple positions. If this happens, you will be warned and need to make a different selection.

Interpret Tarot from Home #2: With Question

Advanced interpretation with a question, 3 cards. Use this tool to interpret your own 3-card spread from home with a specific question. This allows you to gain more detailed and specific insights into your past, present, and future, making the interpretation deeper and more personally relevant.

Tarot From Home - 3 Cards Interpretation - Advanced Reading With Question