Tarot cards and their meanings
Within tarot cards, the cards are divided into two main groups: major arcana and minor arcana. The major arcana consists of 22 cards (0-21) and represents significant life moments and universal themes, while the minor arcana consists of 56 cards and represents more everyday situations. The minor arcana is further divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. Each suit represents different aspects of life, such as creativity, emotions, intellect, and material prosperity.
Major arcana (22 cards)
0. The Fool
The Fool is a tarot card that symbolizes a new beginning, an adventure and unknown potential. It also represents a person who is willing to take risks and trust their intuition. It is a card that advocates for change, growth and new opportunities.
Words describing The Fool:Innocence, spontaneity, new beginnings, risk-taking, freedom, optimism, naivety, foolishness, carefree, adventure.
Read more: The Fool

1. The Magician
The Magician tarot card symbolizes the ability to transform and create something new. It stands for creativity, intuition and power. It also represents a person who has the ability to handle different elements to create something new. The card stands for the rebirth of ideas, solutions and changes.
Words describing The Magician:Power, potential, manifestation, creativity, skill, confidence, action, control, dexterity, adaptability.
Read more: The Magician

2. The High Priestess
The High Priestess tarot card symbolizes intuition, mystery and spirituality. It also represents the ability to seek out deeper meaning and knowledge. It symbolizes knowledge, secrets and the possibility of finding answers within oneself. It is a sign to trust one's intuition and follow it to find the right path.
Words describing The High Priestess:Intuition, Mystery, Wisdom, Femininity, Introspection, Hidden knowledge, Psychic abilities, Inner guidance, Secrets, Intuition, Spiritual connection.
Read more: The High Priestess

3. The Empress
The Tarot card The Empress symbolizes creation, possibilities, and refinement. It also represents female strength and courage, parenting and creativity. It stands for an abundance of energy, kindness and goodwill. It also strengthens the ability to create new situations and to fulfill dreams.
Words describing The Empress:Nurturing, fertility, abundance, creativity, motherhood, growth, sensuality, harmony, fulfillment, grace.
Read more: The Empress

4. The Emperor
The Emperor is a tarot card that symbolizes authority and leadership. It stands for control, structure, and regulation. It also represents a fatherly figure who has the necessary experience and knowledge to lead others. It can also mean that one should be responsible, enterprising, and have a will to take control of their actions.
Words describing The Emperor:Authority, leadership, structure, control, stability, tradition, discipline, responsibility, father figure, ambition.
Read more: The Emperor

5. The Hierophant
The Hierophant tarot card symbolizes traditional teaching and religious instruction. It also represents a mentor who helps guide us to a better life. It can also represent a role model that we can look up to and learn from. The card stands for the transfer of knowledge, guidance, power, and authority.
Words describing The Hierophant:Authority, tradition, conformity, religion, spirituality, guidance, mentorship, structure, dogma, belief system.
Read more: The Hierophant

6. The Lovers
The Tarot card The Lovers symbolizes love, determination, and choice. It represents a powerful moment of infatuation and emotional closeness between two people who are facing an important decision. It reminds us that we all have the power to choose our own happiness.
Words describing The Lovers:Love, harmony, relationships, choices, duality, union, attraction, balance, connection, decision, partnership, soulmates.
Read more: The Lovers

7. The Chariot
The Chariot tarot card symbolizes a journey or a quest that is facing a person. It stands for power, victory and success that can be achieved by balancing opposing forces and finding a way to unite them to create unity. It also represents the will to take control of one's own life and to realize one's dreams.
Words describing The Chariot:Strength, courage, determination, victory, control, willpower, progression, ambition, self-confidence, leadership.
Read more: The Chariot

8. Strength
Strength is a tarot card that symbolizes self-control, strength and courage. It also represents the ability to overcome obstacles and to handle adversity. It is a sign that the person has the necessary strength and power to achieve their goals.
Words describing Strength:courage, inner strength, patience, resilience, determination, self-control, compassion, balance, taming of instincts, gentle power.
Read more: Strength

9. The Hermit
The Hermit tarot card symbolizes a person seeking self-reflection, after going within and searching for the answers that lie within. It stands for solitude and inner journey, and represents a person who is about to step out of their comfort zone and bravely take a step into unknown territory.
Words describing The Hermit:Isolation, introspection, wisdom, solitude, meditation, guidance, solitude, inner journey, introspection, self-discovery.
Read more: The Hermit

10. Wheel of Fortune
The Tarot card Wheel of Fortune often symbolizes a fate that follows a cycle of fortune and chance. It typically depicts a wheel-shaped circle with a number of symbols representing different aspects of life. The card can represent the constant change that occurs in life, that everything is ephemeral and that nothing is permanent. Wheel of Fortune can also symbolize the power to create one's own luck and to take responsibility for one's actions.
Words describing Wheel of Fortune:Change, destiny, opportunity, fate, luck, unpredictability, cycles, turning point, karma, destiny, chance, destiny, rotation, chance. .
Read more: Wheel of Fortune

11. Justice
The Tarot card Justice symbolizes justice, balance and order. It represents the distribution of justice and the consequences of our actions. It can also symbolize that one must take responsibility for one's own life and stand by their actions and face the consequences.
Words describing Justice:Balance, fairness, truth, consequence, judgment, karma, objectivity, decision, responsibility, cause and effect.
Read more: Justice

12. The Hanged Man
The Hanged Man tarot card symbolizes a moment of stillness and surrender. It depicts a person hanging upside down from a tree branch, indicating that one must let go of control and allow things to happen. It can also mean that one must take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspective.
Words describing The Hanged Man:suspension, sacrifice, surrender, enlightenment, reflection, letting go, reversal, patience, new perspective, selflessness.
Read more: The Hanged Man

13. Death
The Tarot card Death symbolizes a change or a new beginning. It stands for transformation and renewal, and is a sign that it is time to let go of the old and welcome the new. It can also mean that it is time to leave old habits and patterns behind and create new ones.
Words describing Death: Transformation, Endings, Rebirth, Change, Transition, Letting Go, Release, Renewal, Closure, Acceptance.
Read more: Death

14. Temperance
The Tarot card Temperance symbolizes balance and harmony. It depicts an angel holding two vessels, one vessel of water and one vessel of wine, and mixing the two to create a perfect balance between the two. The card also symbolizes that one must find a good balance between different aspects of their life in order to achieve happiness and satisfaction.
Words describing Temperance:Balance, moderation, harmony, patience, healing, integration, adaptability, blending, alchemy, tempering, reconciliation, synthesis.
Read more: Temperance

15. The Devil
The Devil tarot card symbolizes feelings of being trapped in a destructive pattern or situation. The card also symbolizes a call to take responsibility for one's actions and overcome limiting behaviors. It can also indicate that one should avoid allowing oneself to get caught in traps created by others.
Words describing The Devil:Bondage, temptation, materialism, ignorance, addiction, unhealthy, control, fear, manipulation, lust, power, deception, ego, excess, temptation, bondage.
Read more: The Devil

16. The Tower
The Tarot card The Tower often symbolizes a feeling of chaos and change which can be very frightening. It is a sign that there are big changes coming that will shake up our lives and make us look at things from a different perspective. It can also be a sign that we must leave behind what is familiar and comfortable to make room for new possibilities.
Words describing The Tower:destruction, chaos, upheaval, collapse, disaster, downfall, transformation, awakening, enlightenment, sudden change.
Read more: The Tower

17. The Star
The Tarot card The Star symbolizes hope, optimism and renewal. It represents comfort and support after a difficult period, and encourages us to follow our dreams and never give up. It is a sign that we are protected on our journey and that we can trust that the way forward is bright.
Words describing The Star:Hope, inspiration, guidance, intuition, healing, spirituality, renewal, renewal, calmness, peace, balance, optimism, renewal, dreams, trust.
Read more: The Star

18. The Moon
The Moon tarot card symbolizes mystery, intuition, and dreams. It depicts a moon illuminating a forest-like landscape, with two dogs standing along the path and a turtle shell floating in the water. It represents uncertainty and that we may not always be able to see the whole picture. It can also warn of dangers that may be lurking in the darkness. It can mean it is time to listen to your intuition and follow your dreams.
Words describing The Moon:Mystery, illusion, subconscious, intuition, darkness, fear, secrets, dreams, reflection, uncertainty, hidden, confusion.
Read more: The Moon

19. The Sun
The Tarot card The Sun symbolizes the light, joy, and hope. It represents love, harmony, and success. It stands for enlightenment and positive energy and means that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It can also mean that you have reached a stage of personal growth where you are ready to take new steps.
Words describing The Sun:Joy, happiness, warmth, success, positivity, vitality, enlightenment, clarity, fulfillment, growth, confidence, abundance.
Read more: The Sun

20. Judgment
The Tarot card of Judgment symbolizes a moment of awakening and renewal. It represents a moment of insight and understanding that leads to new levels of liberation and transformation. It is a sign that it is time to let go of the past and take the steps needed to move forward towards a new beginning.
Words describing Judgment:Rebirth, awakening, redemption, judgement, forgiveness, renewal, transformation, realization, reflection, spiritual, resurrection, atonement, awakening, epiphany, absolution.
Read more: Judgment

21. The World
The Tarot card The World symbolizes the end of a cycle and is a sign of perfection, balance and realization. It represents feelings of joy, fulfillment and an emotional goal that has been achieved. It also symbolizes a new beginning and is a sign that one has overcome all obstacles and is ready to start anew.
Words describing The World:Completion, fulfillment, success, integration, achievement, wholeness, unity, harmony, balance, transcendence.
Read more: The World

Minor arcana (56 cards)
Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords tarot card symbolizes clarity, power, and understanding. It is a sign that one has the mental strength to tackle problems and see them from a new perspective. It can also represent a new beginning and newfound insight that provides the opportunity to move forward.
Words describing Ace of Swords:clarity, breakthrough, truth, power, victory, justice, new beginnings, mental clarity, intellect, focus, determination.
Read more: Ace of Swords

Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords tarot card symbolizes imprisonment and restrictions. It shows a person bound by eight swords standing around them. It symbolizes that the person is stuck in a situation that they cannot get out of. The card stands for taking responsibility for one's actions and overcoming their limitations.
Words describing Eight of Swords: Restriction, confinement, fear, powerlessness, isolation, entrapment, self-imposed limitations.
Read more: Eight of Swords

Five of Swords
The Five of Swords tarot card often symbolizes a feeling of loss or defeat. It can also represent strife, failure, and one's own ambitions having hurt others. It is a sign that one must learn to accept loss and move on.
Words describing Five of Swords:Defeat, conflict, betrayal, loss, defeatism.
Read more: Five of Swords

Four of Swords
The Four of Swords tarot card represents a person recovering from a stressful period and taking a break to focus on healing and recovery. It is a sign that it is time to take a break to focus on recovering and regaining strength.
Words describing Four of Swords:Meditation, rest, solitude, reflection, recovery, retreat, healing, peace, stillness, recuperation, relaxation, contemplation, introspection, rejuvenation.
Read more: Four of Swords

King of Swords
The Tarot card King of Swords is a card that represents a strong, intelligent and logical leader. It also symbolizes justice, objectivity and wisdom. It indicates that the one who reads the card should be careful in making decisions based on reason and not just on emotions.
Words describing King of Swords:Intelligence, authority, logic, discipline, leadership, analytical, rational, decisive, confident, assertive.
Read more: King of Swords

Knight of Swords
The Tarot card Knight of Swords symbolizes a person who is determined, powerful, and honest. It also represents someone who is very intelligent and willing to take initiative. It can also symbolize a need to take leadership and focus on achieving their goals.
Words describing Knight of Swords:Aggressive, ambitious, decisive, determined, impulsive, intelligent, logical, opinionated, quick-thinking, restless .
Read more: Knight of Swords

Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords is a tarot card that symbolizes sorrow, anxiety and despair. It represents a state of fear and anxiety, and it may also mean that you are worried about something that you cannot control. The card can also serve as a warning to learn to let go of what makes you sad.
Words describing Nine of Swords:Worry, anxiety, fear, nightmares, sleepless nights, mental torment, despair, distress, guilt.
Read more: Nine of Swords

Page of Swords
The Page of Swords is a tarot card that symbolizes a person who is intelligent, observant, and knowledgeable. It stands for someone who is cautious, analytical, and critical while also being loyal and sticking to the truth. It also represents someone who is focused on solving problems and seeking solutions.
Words describing Page of Swords:curious, impulsive, young, energetic, observant, communicative.
Read more: Page of Swords

Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is a tarot card that symbolizes a woman who is wise, powerful and objective. She has the ability to see both the good and the bad in a situation and can handle a problem with sharp intelligence. She stands for wisdom, justice and the ability to make rational decisions.
Words describing Queen of Swords:Intelligent, analytical, sharp, independent, honest, witty, clear-minded, logical, perceptive, assertive.
Read more: Queen of Swords

Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords Tarot card symbolizes caution and creative solutions. It means that it is important to be cautious when making decisions and that it may be necessary to think outside the box to find the best solutions.
Words describing Seven of Swords:Deceit, theft, trickery, dishonesty, cunning, manipulation, betrayal, sneaky, sly, deception, evasion, secrecy, subterfuge, escape.
Read more: Seven of Swords

Six of Swords
The Six of Swords tarot card symbolizes a journey that involves leaving the past behind and offers a hope of reaching a better future. It also represents a feeling of relief and resolution to problems and anxiety.
Words describing Six of Swords:Transition, Moving on, Travel, Progress, Change, Guidance, Passage, Journey, Relief, Leaving, Transitioning, Transformation.
Read more: Six of Swords

Ten of Swords
The Tarot card Ten of Swords symbolizes the end of a difficult period and implies that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It also represents that there is hope after difficult times. It stands for overcoming, strength and power through accepting changes and taking responsibility for one's actions.
Words describing Ten of Swords:Betrayal, defeat, pain, sorrow, ending, trauma, destruction, downfall, suffering.
Read more: Ten of Swords

Three of Swords
The Three of Swords is a tarot card that symbolizes sorrow, pain, and heartbreak. It also symbolizes the inability to get over what has happened and feeling paralyzed by it. It is a sign that one must take action to address what has happened in order to move forward.
Words describing Three of Swords:Heartbreak, sorrow, pain, betrayal, grief, sadness, loss, hurt, disappointment.
Read more: Three of Swords

Two of Swords
The Two of Swords tarot card symbolizes a state of mental blocking and inner conflict. It suggests that you are facing a difficult decision-making situation where you must choose between two options that both have their advantages and disadvantages. It also emphasizes the importance of making a conscious choice that is in line with your values and needs.
Words describing Two of Swords:Balance, harmony, decision-making, duality, choices, stalemate, compromise, indecision, blindfolded, peace.
Read more: Two of Swords

Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands tarot card symbolizes new beginnings, creativity, and energy. It stands for new opportunities and potential that are ready to be tapped into. It also signifies a time for recovery and renewal, which can help one get back on the right track.
Words describing Ace of Wands:New beginnings, potential, creativity, inspiration, passion, energy, spark, initiative, opportunity, drive, motivation, force, power, growth.
Read more: Ace of Wands

Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands is a tarot card that symbolizes speed, movement, and change. It also represents success and progress and stands for a period of intense activity and quick results. It can indicate that it is time to take initiative and take big risks in order to reach one's goals.
Words describing Eight of Wands:movement, progress, swift action, travel, communication, forward momentum, acceleration, energy.
Read more: Eight of Wands

Five of Wands
Five of Wands is a tarot card that symbolizes conflicts and rivalry. It also represents struggles and competition that can lead to exhaustion and resistance. It encourages to address issues in a constructive way to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
Words describing Five of Wands:Competition, conflict, challenges, struggle, discord, disagreement, tension, disagreement, disagreement, rivalry.
Read more: Five of Wands

Four of Wands
The Four of Wands tarot card symbolizes victory and triumph. It represents joy and celebration, and is a sign that a goal has been achieved. It stands for feelings of security, stability, and long-lasting happiness.
Words describing Four of Wands:Celebration, joy, harmony, stability, completion, success, unity, social gathering, homecoming, satisfaction.
Read more: Four of Wands

King of Wands
The King of Wands is a tarot card that symbolizes leadership, ability, and confidence. It is a card that stands for passion, creativity, and a willingness to take initiative. It can also represent a strong, loyal, and secure leader who is ready to make decisions and lead others.
Words describing King of Wands:Ambitious, confident, leader, creative, visionary, charismatic.
Read more: King of Wands

Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands symbolizes an adventurous, impulsive, and creative mindset that is ready to take on new challenges. It also stands for courage, enthusiasm, and a desire to change. It is a sign that there are great opportunities to take on new projects or ventures.
Words describing Knight of Wands:passion, energy, drive, action, adventure, impulsiveness, determination, enthusiasm, courage, leadership, movement.
Read more: Knight of Wands

Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands is a Tarot card that symbolizes a defensive stance and perseverance. It is a sign that one is close to achieving their goals, but there are still some obstacles that must be overcome. It is a card that encourages one to maintain their perseverance and not give up hope.
Words describing Nine of Wands:struggle, perseverance, resilience, determination, defensiveness.
Read more: Nine of Wands

Page of Wands
The Page of Wands is a tarot card representing a young person who is full of energy and creativity. It also symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities that await and is a sign that you should be ready to take the chance and follow your intuition.
Words describing Page of Wands: Youthful, enthusiastic, confident, optimistic, creative, adventurous, passionate, impulsive, potential, new beginnings.
Read more: Page of Wands

Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is a tarot card that symbolizes a woman who is emotionally stable and self-assured, and who has a strong will and great self-confidence. She stands for creativity, entrepreneurship, and leadership, and she inspires others to reach their goals.
Words describing Queen of Wands:Confidence, passion, leadership, determination, creativity, independence, charisma, boldness, courage, intuition, assertiveness, strength, vision, inspiration, vitality.
Read more: Queen of Wands

Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands symbolizes strength and courage to stand up for oneself and one's beliefs. It also represents the fight for what one wants and being ready to defend what one believes in. This means that one must stand up against adversity and try to find a way to move forward.
Words describing Seven of Wands:struggle, competition, determination, perseverance, challenge, defense, victory.
Read more: Seven of Wands

Six of Wands
The Six of Wands tarot card symbolizes victory and triumph. It represents success, recognition, and strength. It is a sign that one has succeeded in overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals. It is a sign that one will receive the recognition they deserve.
Words describing Six of Wands: Victory, success, recognition, achievement, leadership, triumph, praise, glory, honor, public recognition.
Read more: Six of Wands

Ten of Wands
The Tarot card Ten of Wands symbolizes responsibility and burden. It represents that you have taken on too much and that you should prioritize your commitments and restrain yourself. It urges you to let go of what is no longer necessary and to focus on what is important.
Words describing Ten of Wands:burden, exhaustion, struggle, responsibility, pressure, overload, obstacles, weight, challenge, effort.
Read more: Ten of Wands

Three of Wands
The Three of Wands tarot card symbolizes attentiveness, planning, and anticipation. It also represents preparation for success and the ability to see the bigger picture. It can also signify that one is about to embark on a new project or take a step forward.
Words describing Three of Wands:Progress, expansion, foresight.
Read more: Three of Wands

Two of Wands
The Two of Wands in Tarot symbolizes planning, decision-making, and expansion. When upright, it indicates a time for considering various possibilities, long-term planning, and being open to new ideas. When reversed, it suggests difficulty making decisions, fear of change, or uncertainty about plans and goals. In a reading with the Queen of Swords and the Five of Cups, focusing on planning (Two of Wands) can lead to better clarity, insight, and communication skills (Queen of Swords), helping overcome feelings of loss, grief, and disappointment (Five of Cups) and fostering personal growth and self-understanding.
Words describing Two of Wands:Power, ambition, planning, decision-making, confidence, leadership, balance, choices, partnership, progress.
Read more: Two of Wands

Two of Cups
The Two of Cups tarot card shows two people holding two cups and toasting. It symbolizes a covenant, love relationship or friendship that is filled with harmony, balance and equilibrium. It is a sign of emotional closeness and intimacy between two people.
Words describing Two of Cups:Connection, partnership, harmony, balance, love, union, attraction, mutual understanding, trust, commitment, cooperation, emotional bond, romantic relationship, soulmates.
Read more: Two of Cups

Three of Cups
Esto es una pruebaThis is a test.
Words describing Three of Cups:Celebration, Friendship, Reunion, Abundance, Joy, Harmony, Creativity, Socializing, Teamwork, Unity.
Read more: Three of Cups

Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is a tarot card that stands for love, harmony, and happiness. It shows a family standing on a bridge and enjoying the sunset together. It symbolizes a state of inner peace and a strong emotional bond.
Words describing Ten of Cups:Fulfillment, happiness, family, love, harmony, balance, contentment, joy, unity, celebration.
Read more: Ten of Cups

Six of Cups
The Six of Cups tarot card symbolizes joy, nostalgic memories, and reconciliation. It shows two people sharing a bowl of seven cups, standing as a sign that one can overcome the past and learn to love again. It also represents the good will to give back what one has received from others.
Words describing Six of Cups:Nostalgic, Innocent, Past, Childhood, Memories, Reflection, Sentimental.
Read more: Six of Cups

Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups is a Tarot card that symbolizes possibilities and dreams. It stands for the fact that there are many different paths to choose from and it encourages one to ponder which one is best for them. It also conveys the message to be careful of becoming overwhelmed by too many possibilities.
Words describing Seven of Cups:Illusion, fantasy, daydreaming, choices, temptation, confusion, possibilities.
Read more: Seven of Cups

Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups is a tarot card that represents emotionality, intuition, and empathy. It symbolizes a person who is able to understand others' feelings and has the ability to manage their own emotions with wisdom and understanding. The Queen of Cups also stands for someone who is emotionally stable and has a good ability to see the bigger picture.
Words describing Queen of Cups:Empathy, intuition, compassion, sensitivity, nurturing, emotional intelligence, kindness, understanding, creativity, grace.
Read more: Queen of Cups

Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is a tarot card symbolizing youthful curiosity and creativity. It stands for a fresh start, new opportunities, and the ability to receive and understand emotions. It also represents a person who is open to new ideas and experiences.
Words describing Page of Cups:Emotional, intuitive, imaginative, sensitive, dreamy, artistic, romantic, introspective, open-minded, idealistic.
Read more: Page of Cups

Nine of Cups
У меня есть машина.I have a car.
Words describing Nine of Cups:Fulfillment, Contentment, Satisfaction, Abundance, Gratitude, Wishes Fulfilled, Success, Harmony, Happiness.
Read more: Nine of Cups

Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups is a tarot card that symbolizes feelings, romance, and intuitive creativity. It represents a person who is open to new experiences and strives to reach a higher level of awareness. It also represents someone who is trustworthy and has good intentions.
Words describing Knight of Cups:Romantic, emotional, dreamy, imaginative, sensitive, charismatic, idealistic, creative, intuitive, charming.
Read more: Knight of Cups

King of Cups
The King of Cups is a tarot card that symbolizes balance, maturity, and diplomatic skills. It represents a person who has a great amount of knowledge and wisdom which they use to solve problems and make decisions. They are also a good listener and have a big heart.
Words describing King of Cups:Emotional, compassionate, intuitive, wise, balanced, diplomatic, mature, empathetic, nurturing, calm.
Read more: King of Cups

Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is a tarot card that symbolizes a feeling of fatigue and sadness. It shows a person sitting with their arms crossed while staring at three cups in front of them. This card symbolizes that we should take a step back and look back to understand what we have missed and what we can learn. It urges us to open our eyes to new possibilities that can lead to new insights.
Words describing Four of Cups:Apathy, boredom, discontentment, introspection, reflection, contemplation, detachment, disinterest, stagnation, withdrawal.
Read more: Four of Cups

Five of Cups
The Five of Cups tarot card symbolizes sorrow and longing. It depicts a person standing with their head bowed in front of five glasses that have been spilled and emptied of their contents. The card suggests that it is time to come to terms with what has been lost, and that there are new possibilities to explore.
Words describing Five of Cups:Disappointment, loss, regret, sorrow, mourning, grief, sadness, disappointment, emotional pain, despair, defeat, setback, failure, missed opportunity.
Read more: Five of Cups

Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups tarot card symbolizes the need to leave a comfortable situation in search of something better. This means it is time to leave what feels safe and familiar and take the step into unknown, yet necessary, territory.
Words describing Eight of Cups:Separation, abandonment, disappointment, sorrow, letting go, moving on, loss, detachment.
Read more: Eight of Cups

Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups is a tarot card that symbolizes love, trust, tenderness, compassion and emotional fulfillment. It also symbolizes new beginnings, new relationships and a fresh start. The love it represents is universal and can be between two people or between a person and a thing.
Words describing Ace of Cups:Emotions, love, new beginnings, intuition, creativity, potential, fulfillment, compassion, receptivity, flow, abundance, inner peace.
Read more: Ace of Cups

Two of Pentacles
The Two of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes juggling of different goals and worries. It advocates that one must find a balance between different aspects of life in order to achieve success. It is a sign that one must find a balance between work, leisure, family and other areas of responsibility.
Read: Two of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes creativity, skill, and success. It represents the possibility of realizing your visions and dreams through using your ability and knowledge. It encourages you to keep working hard to achieve your goals.
Read: Three of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles
The Ten of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes stability and security. It stands for a sustainable long-term investment that yields profitable results, and it conveys a feeling of trust and assurance. It can also represent a good financial situation, but it also stands for appreciating what one has and not taking anything for granted.
Read: Ten of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes a balanced exchange between two parties where both receive something in return. It stands for receiving what one deserves and giving what is fair. The card can also represent being generous, giving back, and being willing to share.
Read: Six of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes having reached a certain level of success and being ready to take a step back and enjoy what has been created. It is a sign that good work has been done and now it is time to receive the reward for it.
Read: Seven of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes material stability, well-being, and the ability to provide for oneself and others. It also suggests a sense of being grounded and secure. This card is an indication that one has the power to create a lasting, material security for themselves and those around them.
Read: Queen of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles is a Tarot card that symbolizes a fresh start, new possibilities, and a focus on both material and spiritual aspects. It stands for hard work, accuracy, and the ability to make the most of one's resources. It also conveys a message of seizing opportunities and never giving up.
Read: Page of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles
The Nine of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes self-confidence, joy, and control. It shows a woman standing with a stack of pentacle coins, symbolizing stability and financial security. The reverse side of the card reveals that she has achieved the highest level of joy and control over her life.
Read: Nine of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes stability, hard work, and focus. It encourages us to take things slowly and to focus on the details in order to achieve success. It reminds us to be practical and to take one step at a time towards our goals.
Read: Knight of Pentacles

King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles is a tarot card that symbolizes material stability, creativity, and the ability to realize one's dreams. It represents a person who is responsible, dedicated, and constructive, who has the ability to create a well-balanced and stable environment for themselves and others.
Read: King of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles tarot card depicts a person holding two pentacles, symbolizing material wealth and financial security. It represents a feeling of control and determination to hold onto what one has. It can also symbolize a strong will to protect one's resources and not waste them.
Read: Four of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles symbolizes scarcity and worry, and encourages us not to give up hope. It shows two people standing outside a church, indicating that one should seek solace in spiritual solutions. It also suggests that one should find new ways to overcome difficulties, such as working hard to get what one wants.
Read: Five of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes a person who is dedicated to hard work in order to achieve a specific goal. It stands for the focus, discipline, and effort required to achieve success. It is a sign that one cannot expect anything to come for free, but must work hard to reach their goals.
Read: Eight of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles tarot card symbolizes material blessing and wealth. It stands for an abundance of resources, stability, and a good financial situation. It is a sign that one has the right tools to succeed, and that they have the knowledge necessary to create a sustainable life.
Read: Ace of Pentacles

Delving into Tarot Deck Symbolism
The Rich Symbolism of Tarot Cards
Each card in the Tarot deck possesses distinct symbolism and significance. The Major Arcana cards depict crucial life events or themes, while the Minor Arcana cards portray the more ordinary aspects of life. Together, they offer insights into the past, present, and future.
The Major Arcana cards, numbered from 0 to 21, represent various stages in life’s journey. The Fool card (0) signifies innocence and new beginnings, while The World card (21) denotes completion and closure. The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits: Wands (fire), Cups (water), Swords (air), and Pentacles (earth), with each suit carrying its own unique symbolism and meaning.
Interpreting Tarot Cards and Their Relationships
To interpret the Tarot deck, one must understand both the individual cards and their interactions. When analyzing a spread, it’s crucial to examine each card as well as their connections. For instance, if two cards appear adjacent to each other in a spread, they may indicate a link between them.
Additionally, consider the position of each card within a spread. A card in the past position may signal an event from the past that continues to influence the present situation, while a card in the future position may suggest an upcoming event.
Tarot for Divination and Self-Exploration
Gaining Insight through Divination
Divination is the practice of using Tarot cards to obtain clarity and insight into a particular situation or query. This can range from asking a specific question and drawing a single card for an answer to more intricate layouts with multiple cards. Interpreting the cards can offer guidance and assist the querent in making decisions.
Self-Exploration with Tarot
Tarot can also serve as a tool for self-exploration, shedding light on one’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations. This may involve drawing a single card to clarify a specific issue or utilizing more complex spreads to explore different aspects of a person’s life. Tarot cards can help identify behavioral patterns and uncover potential avenues for personal growth.
What are Major Arcana cards?
The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards and represents significant life moments and universal themes.
What do the Minor Arcana cards represent?
The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards and represents more everyday situations. The minor arcana is further divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. Each suit represents different aspects of life, such as creativity, emotions, intellect, and material prosperity.
What is the purpose of Tarot?
Tarot can be used for divination to gain insight into a particular situation or query, or for self-exploration to shed light on one's thoughts, emotions, and motivations.