Words describing Temperance: Balance, moderation, harmony, patience, healing, integration, adaptability, blending, alchemy, tempering, reconciliation, synthesis.
How to interpret Temperance in tarot

Page of Wands (reversed)

Three of Pentacles (upright)

Temperance (upright)

Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)
Temperance is the fourteenth card in the Tarot’s Major Arcana and symbolizes balance, harmony, and moderation. The card’s image shows an angel balancing two cups and pouring water between them, which represents harmony and balance between different elements and forces. It is a reminder of the importance of maintaining balance in your life and adapting to different situations.
Upright Meaning
When Temperance appears upright in a Tarot reading, it means that it is important to focus on balance, harmony, and moderation in your life. The card urges you to be aware of your needs and limitations and to seek equilibrium between work and leisure, emotions and reason, as well as between giving and taking. It is a time for self-reflection and striving for inner harmony.
Reversed Meaning
If Temperance is reversed in a reading, it may indicate that you are experiencing imbalance or disharmony in your life. It could mean that you are having difficulty finding balance between different areas of your life or that you are struggling to adapt to changes. The card urges you to focus on finding balance and to be patient with yourself and your situation.
Example Interpretation
If Temperance appears in a reading alongside the Nine of Pentacles and the King of Swords, it can be interpreted as a period of balance and harmony (Temperance) leading to independence, well-being, and success in the material plane (Nine of Pentacles). To achieve this, it is important to use logic, clarity, and objective thinking (King of Swords) to make well-grounded decisions and navigate through this period of change.
Psychological Interpretation
Archetypal Meanings
The card Temperance is often associated with the archetype of balance and moderation. It represents the ability to find harmony and equilibrium in all aspects of life. This archetype also symbolizes the union of opposites, such as the blending of the masculine and feminine energies, the spiritual and physical realms, and the conscious and unconscious mind.
Behavioral Patterns
Individuals who embody the energy of Temperance tend to have a calm and steady demeanor. They are able to approach situations with a level head and make decisions that are not influenced by extreme emotions. They also have a strong sense of self-control and are able to resist impulses or temptations that may lead to negative consequences.
On the other hand, those who struggle with the energy of Temperance may exhibit extreme behaviors, such as indulging in excessive behaviors or being unable to find balance in their lives. They may also struggle with self-control and have difficulty managing their emotions.
Integration and Shadow Work
To work with the energies of Temperance, one must strive for balance and moderation in their thoughts, actions, and emotions. This involves acknowledging and integrating both the light and shadow aspects of the self. By facing and accepting our shadow side, we can find inner harmony and a sense of wholeness.
Shadow work with Temperance can also involve examining any imbalances in our lives and actively seeking to restore harmony. This could mean setting boundaries, learning to say no, or finding a healthy balance between work and play.
Ultimately, the card Temperance reminds us to find balance in all aspects of our lives, and to embrace the union of opposites within ourselves in order to achieve inner peace and harmony.