Ten of Wands

Words describing Ten of Wands: burden, exhaustion, struggle, responsibility, pressure, overload, obstacles, weight, challenge, effort.

How to interpret Ten of Wands in tarot


The Sun

The Sun (reversed)


Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups (upright)


Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands (reversed)

Ten of Wands

The basic meaning of the card (Rider-Waite)

The Ten of Wands is the tenth card in the tarot’s Minor Arcana within the Wands suit and symbolizes burdens, responsibility and overload. The card’s image shows a person carrying ten wands on their back, indicating that they are overwhelmed and struggling under the weight of their responsibility. It represents that we can sometimes feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities and that it is important to recognize when we need to ask for help or relief.

Ten of Wands – Upright Meaning

The Ten of Wands represents the feeling of being burdened, overwhelmed, or carrying too much responsibility. This card often signifies a situation where someone is struggling under the weight of their obligations or feeling the pressure of trying to achieve their goals. The Ten of Wands is associated with perseverance, overcommitment, and the need to evaluate priorities. Key aspects of the upright Ten of Wands include:

  1. Burden: Bearing a heavy load, either physically, emotionally, or mentally, as a result of taking on too much responsibility or trying to meet high expectations.
  2. Overwhelm: Feeling stressed, exhausted, or overextended due to an excessive workload or too many obligations.
  3. Perseverance: Continuing to push forward despite challenges or setbacks, demonstrating determination and resilience.
  4. Overcommitment: Struggling to maintain balance in your life as a result of committing to too many projects, tasks, or responsibilities.
  5. Prioritizing: Recognizing the need to evaluate priorities, delegate tasks, or find ways to lighten the load in order to reduce stress and maintain a healthy balance.

Ten of Wands – Reversed Meaning

When the Ten of Wands appears reversed, it can signify the release of burdens, the delegation of responsibilities, or a refusal to take on unnecessary tasks. This card often represents a situation where someone is learning to let go, share the workload, or set boundaries to protect their well-being. The reversed Ten of Wands can also indicate a need for better time management or organization. Key aspects of the reversed Ten of Wands include:

  1. Releasing Burdens: Letting go of unnecessary responsibilities, obligations, or emotional baggage, leading to a feeling of relief and lightness.
  2. Delegation: Sharing the workload, asking for help, or delegating tasks to others in order to reduce stress and maintain balance.
  3. Setting Boundaries: Learning to say no or set limits in order to protect your own well-being and avoid becoming overwhelmed by additional responsibilities.
  4. Improved Time Management: Streamlining tasks, prioritizing, or adopting better organization strategies to more efficiently manage responsibilities and commitments.
  5. Avoiding Overcommitment: Recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy balance and avoiding taking on too many tasks or projects at once.

The Ten of Wands, whether upright or reversed, highlights the importance of managing responsibilities, setting priorities, and maintaining balance in your life. It serves as a reminder to recognize and address feelings of overwhelm or burden and to take action to lighten the load, delegate tasks, or set boundaries as needed.

Example Interpretation

If the Ten of Wands appears in a reading alongside the Four of Pentagrams and Six of Cups, it can be interpreted as that by managing your burdens and responsibilities (Ten of Wands) you will achieve material security and stability (Four of Pentagrams). Additionally, it will lead to a time of nostalgia and happy memories (Six of Cups), which can be a reward for your hard work and perseverance. The card encourages you to be aware of your workload and to find the balance between taking care of your responsibilities and enjoying life’s pleasures.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Ten of Wands is a card that represents the archetype of burden, struggle, and overwhelm. It symbolizes the weight of responsibility and the feeling of being weighed down by life’s challenges. This archetype can be seen in various mythologies and stories, such as the Greek myth of Sisyphus who was cursed to forever push a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll back down every time he reached the top.

Behavioral Patterns

When this card appears in a reading, it may indicate that the individual is feeling overwhelmed and overburdened. They may be taking on too much responsibility or struggling to keep up with their obligations. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion, stress, and frustration. They may also be carrying the weight of others’ expectations or feeling like they have to do everything alone.

At times, the Ten of Wands can also represent a martyr-like behavior, where the individual takes on burdens and sacrifices themselves for the sake of others. This may stem from a fear of disappointing or letting others down and can result in feelings of resentment and burnout.

Integration and Shadow Work

To work with the energies of the Ten of Wands, it is important to recognize and address any underlying feelings of overwhelm and burden. This may involve setting boundaries, delegating tasks, and learning to say no to excessive responsibilities. It also requires examining any patterns of martyrdom and addressing the underlying fears and insecurities driving this behavior.

Shadow work with this card may involve exploring the root causes of the individual’s need to take on so much and the impact it has on their mental and emotional well-being. It may also involve challenging societal expectations and beliefs around productivity and self-sacrifice.

Ultimately, the Ten of Wands reminds us to be mindful of our limits and to seek support when needed. It is a call to release unnecessary burdens and to find balance in our responsibilities and obligations.

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