✨ The Magic of the World – Seeing the Hidden Through the Eyes of Dualism

We live in a world where it is taken for granted that our brain processes signals from our surroundings to interpret and understand reality. But what if we reverse this reasoning and realize that the external is not only something we interpret but also a manifestation of our inner state?

A silhouette of a meditating figure sits in the lotus position, glowing with radiant light at the heart center. The figure is surrounded by cosmic elements such as stars, planets, and intricate geometric patterns, including an atom-like structure. Tarot cards are laid out in front of the figure on a surface, with glowing candles lining the background, creating a mystical atmosphere.

⚖️ Dualism as the Key to Balance

For those of us who understand the depth of dualism, it is clear that this insight extends beyond what materialistic interpretations can offer. It is not just a scientific equation, but a holistic experience of life.

Those who interpret the world through a strictly materialistic lens do not see the full picture. They focus on the external, the objective, and thereby miss a deeper understanding of existence. It’s not a question of whether they *might* be missing something — they are. The majority have chosen to see the world only through the prism of materialism, and thus we have materialistic solutions to material problems in the world. This one-sidedness creates an unbalanced way of living, where people lose touch with their inner selves. They become half, lacking the inner strength and security required to truly navigate the complexities of life.

🌗 Dualism as a Path to Harmony

To truly understand the deep meaning of our existence, one must be able to see beyond the concrete and realize that our reality is a reflection of our inner world — a truth that dualism reveals.

Viewing the outer world as a manifestation of the inner world ties back to the ancient philosophical idea of dualism, which challenges us to understand how our inner and outer worlds mirror each other. For those who can see this on a deeper level, it becomes clear that balance between opposites is necessary for a harmonious life. Dualism is not just about body and soul, but about understanding opposites like light and dark, spirituality and materialism. We who have already realized this know that it’s not about choosing one extreme, but about uniting them and finding balance.

Understanding dualism means placing oneself in the middle, where we embrace both light and darkness, thereby manifesting a more harmonious and meaningful experience of the world.

🔮 Psychology’s Reflection of the Power of Dualism

In psychology, especially through Carl Jung, the power of dualism is reflected. Jung spoke of the shadow — the aspects of ourselves that we deny or suppress. Those who interpret the world solely materialistically see the shadow as something to be suppressed, but we who understand dualism know that it needs to be accepted and integrated. Through introspection, we can find balance between our light and dark sides and achieve a deeper understanding of our inner world.

Jung also believed that what we see as “magical” is actually expressions of our unconscious. Tarot is a tool for exploring these inner processes, and for those of us who see the full spectrum of dualism, tarot is a method for understanding ourselves and creating balance, not as a magical solution, but as a tool for self-awareness.

🃏 Tarot as a Tool for Introspection

Tarot, filled with symbolism representing both light and dark, reflects the fundamental concept of dualism. Through introspection and understanding the symbolism of the tarot cards, we can better understand our inner feelings, fears, and dreams. For those of us who see the whole, tarot is not just a tool but a bridge to self-awareness and inner balance. It is through introspection that we can understand and navigate the inner dualism, which creates harmony in both our lives and experiences of the world.

🔬 Quantum Physics’ Journey Towards the Spiritual

For those who interpret the world solely through materialism, quantum physics may appear as a mystery, but for us who understand the depth of dualism, it is clear how science and spirituality are beginning to converge. Quantum physics reveals that reality is more fluid and interconnected than we previously thought. It is beginning to approach the insights of the spiritual world by showing that our observation affects reality — an idea that reflects how our inner state can shape our outer reality.

For us, quantum physics is not just a scientific discovery, but a confirmation of the deep truths of dualism. In a world dominated by extreme materialism, science is now beginning to open doors to a deeper understanding of reality, where the material and spiritual are united.

🌍 A Holistic Life Through Awareness of Dualism

Living a holistic life is about understanding that the world is not divided into simple opposites. We who see the world through the lens of dualism understand that reality is greater than the sum of its parts — that both the spiritual and the material have their place. We know that it’s not about choosing between the two, but about creating a harmony where both can coexist in balance.

By understanding dualism and the insights of quantum physics, we can create a richer, more meaningful life. It is this insight, that our inner and outer worlds are intertwined, that gives us the power to manifest a better and more balanced reality.

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