The Magician

Words describing The Magician: Power, potential, manifestation, creativity, skill, confidence, action, control, dexterity, adaptability.

How to interpret The Magician in tarot


King of Swords

King of Swords (reversed)


The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man (reversed)


The Magician

The Magician (reversed)

The Magician

The Basic Meaning of the Card (Rider-Waite)

The Magician, also known as The Magus, is the second card in the Major Arcana and carries the number 1. It represents power, skill, and willpower. In the Rider-Waite deck, The Magician is depicted as a person standing in front of a table with four symbols representing the four elements: a wand (fire), a chalice (water), a sword (air) and a pentacle (earth). Above his head floats an infinity symbol, which symbolizes eternal wisdom and power.

Upright Meaning

When The Magician is drawn in an upright position it indicates that you have the power and ability to achieve your goals. It encourages you to use your creativity, willpower, and talents to manifest your desires and realize your dreams. The Magician can also represent communication and negotiation, suggesting that you can use your ability to influence and persuade others.

Reversed Meaning

When The Magician is drawn in a reversed position it indicates that you may be misusing your power or manipulating others to reach your goals. It can also indicate that you are experiencing doubt, lack of self-confidence, or that you are not using your talents and resources effectively.

Example Interpretation

If you are doing a tarot reading about your relationships and draw The Magician as your central card, surrounded by Two of Cups and The Star, it could indicate that you have the power to create harmony and happiness in your relationships by using your communication skills and understanding. Two of Cups represents love and partnership, while The Star symbolizes hope and inspiration. In this context, the interpretation could mean that you should open up for communication and share your feelings in order to strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

Psychological Interpretation

Archetypal Meanings

The Magician is the first card in the Major Arcana and represents the archetype of the Trickster. This archetype is often associated with cunning, manipulation, and the ability to change one’s reality through trickery or deception. The Magician also symbolizes the archetype of the Magician or Sorcerer, someone who possesses powerful knowledge and skills to create change in the world. This archetype is present in many cultures and represents the human desire for control and mastery over their environment.

Behavioral Patterns

When The Magician appears in a reading, it can indicate that the individual is feeling confident and in control of their life. They may possess a strong sense of personal power and have the ability to manifest their desires. However, the card can also suggest that the individual may be using their skills and knowledge to manipulate others or situations for their own gain. They may be prone to using their charm and charisma to get what they want, rather than being honest and upfront.

Integration and Shadow Work

To work with The Magician’s energies psychologically, one must first acknowledge their own personal power and skills. The card reminds us that we have the ability to create change in our lives and manifest our desires. However, it is important to use this power responsibly and with integrity. The Magician can also represent the shadow aspect of control and manipulation. Shadow work with this card can involve examining one’s motivations for wanting to control or manipulate others and learning to use one’s power for the greater good rather than personal gain.

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