The Major and Minor Arcana

Major and minor arcana

Tarot decks are divided into two main parts: the Major and Minor Arcana. This article explores the differences between these two sections, their unique characteristics and meanings, and their roles in tarot readings.

Major Arcana

Basic Characteristics

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, numbered from 0 to 21. Each card in the Major Arcana serves as a metaphor for life’s major events, spiritual lessons, and psychological archetypes. These cards are often considered the most powerful and significant in a tarot reading.

Examples of Cards and Their Symbolism

  • 0 – The Fool: Represents new beginnings, innocence, and a childlike curiosity.
  • 1 – The Magician: Stands for skill, self-confidence, and manifestation.
  • 21 – The World: Symbolizes completion, wholeness, and harmony.

Usage in Tarot Readings

In tarot spreads, the cards of the Major Arcana symbolize significant life events, deep insights, and karmic lessons that the individual is facing. They speak of changes, personal development, and life paths.

All Major Arcana Cards

Tarot cards, minerals and candles

Minor Arcana

Basic Characteristics

The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards divided into four suits: Cups, Swords, Wands, and Pentacles. Each suit has 14 cards: ten numbered cards and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, King).

Symbolism and Meaning

  • Cups: Represent emotions, relationships, and intuition.
  • Swords: Symbolize thoughts, words, and conflicts.
  • Wands: Stand for energy, passion, and creation.
  • Pentacles: Relate to material aspects, career, and physical health.

Usage in Tarot Readings

The cards of the Minor Arcana deal more with the everyday events and practical aspects of life. They provide detailed guidance and assistance to navigate through daily challenges and decisions.





Differences Between the Major and Minor Arcana

Emphasis on Life’s Aspects

The Major Arcana focuses on larger life themes and universal human experiences, while the Minor Arcana deals with the more everyday and practical aspects of life.

Usage and Interpretation Methods

In a tarot reading, the Major Arcana usually indicates larger and more significant events or life changes, while the Minor Arcana provides insight into daily details and closer circumstances.

Some Examples of Tarot Cards

Eight of Swords
Ten of Cups
Ace of Pentacles
The Sun
Two of Wands
Nine of Wands

Articles in "Tarot for beginners"

  1. Why do tarot?
  2. The History of Tarot Cards
  3. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck
  4. The Major And Minor Arcana (This article)
  5. Tarot Card Spread And Reading
  6. The Meaning of Position
  7. Intuition
  8. Self-reflection
  9. Spirituality
  10. Tarot and esotericism


Interpret Tarot from Home #1: Without Question

General interpretation without a question, 3 cards. Interpret your homemade 3-card spread and gain insights into your past, present, and future. This tool is ideal for introspection and personal reflection.

Tarot From Home - 3 Cards Interpretation - General Reading Without Question

Interpret Tarot from Home #2: With Question

Advanced interpretation with a question, 3 cards. Use this tool to interpret your own 3-card spread from home with a specific question. This allows you to gain more detailed and specific insights into your past, present, and future, making the interpretation deeper and more personally relevant.

Tarot From Home - 3 Cards Interpretation - Advanced Reading With Question