The Moon
Words describing The Moon: Mystery, illusion, subconscious, intuition, darkness, fear, secrets, dreams, reflection, uncertainty, hidden, confusion.
How to interpret The Moon in tarot

The World (reversed)

Knight of Swords (upright)

The Moon (upright)

Basic Meaning of The Moon (Rider-Waite)
The Moon is the eighteenth card in the Major Arcana of tarot and symbolizes illusion, intuition, and the subconscious. The card’s image shows a moon shining over a landscape with two dogs, a crab, and a river. It represents the mysterious and dark aspects of our psyche and how our intuition and subconscious feelings can influence our actions and decisions.
Upright Meaning
When The Moon appears upright in a tarot reading it signifies a time of uncertainty, illusion, and relying on your intuition. The card urges you to be aware of your fears, dreams, and subconscious feelings and to seek clarity in these in order to better understand your situation. It is a time to listen to your inner voice and to be open to the insights and messages your intuition offers.
Reversed Meaning
If The Moon is reversed in a reading it may signify that you are beginning to see through illusions and uncertainties and that you are on the path to achieving clarity and understanding. It may also signify that you are having difficulty trusting your intuition or that you are ignoring your subconscious feelings. The card urges you to be open to insights from your inner self and to seek truth and clarity in your decisions and actions.
Example Interpretation
If The Moon appears in a reading alongside Three of Wands and Queen of Cups it could be interpreted as by relying on your intuition and listening to your subconscious feelings (The Moon) you will be able to expand your horizons and achieve great success in your area (Three of Wands). This success will be enhanced by expressing your emotions and showing empathy and compassion for others (Queen of Cups) which will help you create deeper and more meaningful relationships.
Psychological Interpretation
Archetypal Meanings
The Moon is a powerful archetypal symbol that has been present in human consciousness since ancient times. It represents the realm of the unconscious, the mysterious and unknown aspects of the psyche. In tarot, The Moon is often depicted as a moonlit night sky with a full moon shining down, surrounded by water and a path leading into the distance. This imagery evokes a sense of mystery, intuition, and the cyclical nature of life.
The Moon is also associated with feminine energy and the cycles of the moon, making it a symbol of the cyclical nature of the feminine psyche. It is often associated with the Greek goddesses Artemis and Selene, representing intuition, emotions, and the power of the unconscious mind.
Behavioral Patterns
When The Moon appears in a tarot reading, it may indicate that the individual is experiencing a time of confusion, uncertainty, or anxiety. The card can represent a state of being lost in the unknown, unsure of which path to take. It may also suggest a tendency to rely on intuition and emotions rather than logic and reason, which can lead to impulsive or irrational behavior.
The Moon can also represent the shadow aspects of the psyche that have been repressed or denied. This can manifest in behavioral patterns such as avoidance, denial, or projection of one’s own fears and insecurities onto others. The card may also indicate a fear of the unknown or a resistance to facing one’s own inner demons and subconscious patterns.
Integration and Shadow Work
To work with The Moon’s energies psychologically, one must first acknowledge and accept the unknown and mysterious aspects of the psyche. This may involve delving into one’s dreams, fantasies, and unconscious patterns to gain a deeper understanding of the self.
Shadow work is also important when working with The Moon. This involves facing and integrating the repressed or denied aspects of the psyche, which can lead to personal growth and transformation. The Moon’s intuitive and emotional energy can be harnessed for creative expression and self-discovery, rather than allowing it to manifest as irrational behavior or avoidance of the unknown.
Overall, The Moon represents the depths of the human psyche and the power of the unconscious mind. By embracing its energies and working through any shadow aspects, one can gain a deeper understanding of the self and open the door to personal growth and transformation.